
Monday 9 September 2013

The Human Core

No one can decide who is a good human being or a bad human being. No one has right to judge others.  Everyone has right to live according to own beliefs and choices. On this has gone to other extreme and led to deterioration in over all state of humanity. Humanity has been spoiled by narrow minded selfish interest and manipulation. Situation is alarming. Money has taken undue importance and the resultant destructive competition has led to manipulation, deceit and conflicts. This has become a vicious circle and even the ‘good people’ succumb to this.

In recent news there was an article that in one developed country, doctors are sending patients to radiation therapy in place of cheaper possible treatment because they earn more by doing this. And this is not limited to one country or doctors, but is prevalent worldwide in all sections of society. The deceit can be among individuals, in family, in neighborhood, in offices and professions, in sports, in politics nationally and inter nationally. The short sightedness of people looking for easy gains from lowest to highest level is something like termites eating away the structure which will for sure crumble irrespective of the force that can be applied to keep it intact.

The deceit is going up to the genes. The result is disastrous. The elements of humanity are getting wiped away. There is erosion of positive values like trust, kindness, fairness, empathy etc. People cooperate for selfish interest rather than welfare of all. People’s minds are polluted. They either succumb to cheating due to greed or because they lack courage to be honest and face life as it comes.
The epidemic of deceit, cheating and manipulation is leaving no one. Casualties are high. Strange that we all feel bad when cheated but we do same in one form or other. 

What is the effect?
A society characterized by suspicion, anger, conflicts, destruction. There is no need of another world war. A slow death of humanity is already in progress. The visible wars that we will see will only be the manifestation of this internal sickness called greed and deceit.

If we wish to prevent this then those sane and sensible must set the process rolling. Do not try to change others. Change yourself. Remember these three words.

Good Strong United

Good: Commit yourself to be a good human being. Even if you have done something wrong in past, do not feel hesitant. Just start the process of becoming a good human being. Eliminate every evil thought from mind. Do not compete with others in money or other worldly things. Develop your human qualities. That is your richness. The real richness. You are the best and you must know that you are better than deceitful people.

Strong:  A good human being is strong. Feel the strength of honesty inside. This is not a destructive force but is constructive energy. Stand against injustice and fight for others and your rights. Being a good human being will eliminate all fears from your mind and heart.

United: Shed hopelessness. Meet other good people and get united to uphold honesty and humanity. Slowly others will realize the importance of humanity and will follow the path. The drops of humanity will form the ocean.

Let us change our self to save humanity and create a better world for our self and coming generations.