
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Human growth should be universal

There are certain aspects of humanity which needs topmost attention of leaders worldwide and everyone. The basic existence of human beings must be given due respect.

These are:

Daily meals
Basic healthcare
Basic education
Social equality and freedom

Following must become part of every government's minimum program.

- Right to food
(To ensure minimum of everyday meals)
- Right to health
(To ensure emergency and other basic healthcare)
- Right to education
(To ensure minimum of school education to every child)
- Right to live
(To ensure safety and freedom to live a dignified life without fear)

All the countries must come together in United Nations and have an agreement that at least four aspects of humanity will be taken care as one world. These four aspects should become the topmost priority of every nation. All countries must present result oriented progress details once every year. These aspects must be above politics and economic priorities. Every country must have permanent social ministries free from local politics. These social ministries must be under supervision of UN. Countries showing result oriented growth in these aspects must be given due incentives in world trade.

This will improve world atmosphere in a big way. This will reduce feeling of injustice, frustration and hatred. This will promote harmony in world and will help in better productivity. Also this will help in finding new talents and meaningful utilization of human energies. The total benefit will overcome the investment. The world will then become a happier place.

Monday 22 October 2012

Gandhi and Hitler within : End the Psychological Violence

Psychological violence which is so widely prevalent in our day to day life is much more dangerous than physical violence. Every human being has potential to move on path of and become either Gandhi or Hitler. Life gives you choice. It is choice on day to day basis with dealing with others that you give it a direction. We may not reach the extreme end of spectrum but we definitely show our tilt on one side. We get unfair, unjust, dishonest, hurt others and become selfish. It is this small tilt which plays its role in society. The collective value system of the society and mankind is determined by this small tilt which is becoming progressive more and more apparent as feeling of frustration and unjust worldwide. This is also a kind of violence, a kind of war which Mahatma Gandhi warned of. Humanity must get alarmed about rising Psychological Violence before it explodes. Mahatma Gandhi is becoming more and more relevant. Understand his ways which is the only way humanity can survive and thrive. Tilt yourself towards peace, justice, honesty, compassion and truth. Let humanity survive.

Thursday 18 October 2012

The ideal life

The ideal life

What is an ideal life? It may be difficult to define. Also it varies person to person depending on one’s needs and priorities. But a wholesome life has certain parameters.

Life Quotient LQ is a combination of various factors:

Spiritual Q
Happiness Q
Health Q
Sexuality Q
Intelligence Q
Emotional Q
Social Q
Financial Q
Achievement Q
Life Skill Q

It is well balanced optimum development of these factors which leads to an ideal life about which one can have immense satisfaction as the life progresses. For this one needs to have -

·     Positive spirituality. It is not necessary to be very religious or spend hours praying but it is the inner state which is in union with higher consciousness. It is the journey of of self realization to self actualization.   

·     Positive life path. One must determine the purpose of being. The path of life should become one of righteousness. This is the real meaning of yog, the union where one moves from disorder to order. Dharma should not be confused with religion. Dharma is the way of rightful life making truthful and wise choices thereby limiting impulsiveness. It is not necessary to become a saint but being a true human being must be the minimum.  

·    Positive life goals. One must be careful in choosing goals. Goals must fit well into higher mission of life. They should not contradict else this will lead to loss of direction.

·    Positive self identity. One needs to create a positive self identity, a positive I. There are some factors which one cannot choose but one can give importance to many factors which one can choose to create a positive identity like honesty, integrity, commitment, wisdom etc. One can generate such positive traits in self and continue to grow through the course of life.   

·    Positive mind & emotions. No need to tell that to have success and satisfaction in life how important it is to have positive mind and emotions. One needs to know that positive mind and emotions can be easily developed through right choices and attitude.

·   Positive health. Poor physical health can be the major source of distraction and loss of happiness, time, energy & resources. Surprisingly most of the time we are responsible for poor health and diseases.  A healthy lifestyle is the best investment one can make in life.

·   Positive socialization. Relatives, colleagues, friends, neighbors and others make valuable assets in life. Ask them who spend a lonely life, nothing is more painful. Relationships must be preserved thoughtfully and carefully making them enriched with symbiotic interdependence, integrating and mutually progressive.

·   Positive education. Education must lead to learning. It should growth oriented and should help in generation of wisdom. This being crucial foundation, one should make careful choices and efforts. 

·    Positive vocation. Earning money is necessary and equally important is to grow in a vocation that is growth and aim oriented, that gives inner satisfaction, that helps to bring out best of you and that gives a positive identity. 

·   Positive finance. One should be very careful here. Money may tempt but remember rich is not who has lots of money but rich is who knows money management. One must see that it comes from virtuous source and then must learn proper management that includes spending, saving and investment. Pay your tax properly, this will make you very rich by being a responsible citizen and feeling of self pride.

·     Positive worldly wise. Mere laying down rules is not sufficient. You need moment to moment discretion to live your life sensibly. There will be moments where it would be difficult to make a correct choice but those are your real test.

·     Positive activities. Do not live in past or future. Live the moment, remain occupied in positive activities and enjoy. Remember journey is equally important as goal. Make this your life’s motto -  love live laugh.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Human beings should not become SIC

Human beings should not become SIC

SIC Spineless Idiotic Cowards. How?

Spineless - Having no integrity, no strength of character.

Idiotic - Forgotten all human values, doing all sorts of things to ruin lives of their own and others. It could be getting into addictions, into antisocial or illegal acts, cheating, selfishness, greed, corruption, running after lust & money and so on.

Cowards - Who is a bigger cowards than one who is unable to face own faults and correct them. Living with moral sickness is the worst form of life. At the same time we tolerate all wrongs in society. This is not tolerance. This is apathy and such apathy only promotes destruction of society.

Real assets are human values. Wake up and be a human, real human.

Monday 8 October 2012

World today

World today is entering a difficult, painful and dangerous phase. The gap between Have's and Havenot's is getting wider. There is frustration everywhere. The worst part is those who are high in strata manipulate affairs to gain more and more. This has lead to feeling of unjust. The loss of faith in system is very very dangerous for the entire world. It is very important for world to urgently realize that this can not continue for very long. People can not be suppressed by force forever. Situation can go out of hands until and unless those in power take quick and effective remedial measures to restore people's faith in system. World is in red zone and the clock is ticking.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Learn to be sensitive

How strange! When it comes to self we are so disturbed if hurt by others may be emotionally, socially, financially etc. But we are so casual in hurting others. Learn to be sensitive to others hurts and pains. Remember what you give to others, come back to you multiplied billion times.

Saturday 6 October 2012

The ideal human being

What are the qualities of an ideal human being. What should be the mission of every human being to evolve and grow.

The ideal human being should have – 

Absolute consciousness - must be spiritually evolved (not necessarily religious) to have absolute consciousness to be able to feel the higher purpose of existence.

Total control - must have have total control over self. One need not have control over circumstances but it is important to have self control for efficient and effective existence.

Rational thinking - must have wise, sensible and rational thinking because that is the most necessary aspect to steer life on correct path.

Constructive use of emotions - emotions are very powerful and can prove both constructive or destructive. It is necessary to have the ability to understand dynamics of emotions and use them constructively for meaningful existence.

Action (Karma) - must act in interdependent mutually progressive growth oriented self actualizing way towards truth order and love.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Humanity is the guide now

Human beings are checked from entering the negative zone by three control systems :

1. Religion - Religion gives code of conduct and talks about punishment for wrong doers.
2. Society  - Society puts check and the need of approval by society and to avoid negative social response, human beings keep them self in check.
3. Law  - Legal system keeps check by punishment for wrong doing.

With changing times the effect of first two is diminishing. And police can not be around everyone all the time. The result is the rise in unrest, frustration and all types of crimes throughout the world. The trend is very dangerous. Things can go out of hands to the point of no return.  This is a vicious cycle. What people get from others, they spread same in society. So more disordered personalities, more cheating, more crimes and more unhappy lives. Stop this before earth becomes hell.

Let humanity grow among us. There should be stress on teaching & practice of moral values in families and schools.

Remember either we can live together happily or we as human race will get destroyed.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Humanity is the key to happy existence

Look around yourself. Is this the world we desire to live in. Conflicts, deceit, crimes, hatred, frustration. This is not the quality of life. And more so because these are signs of mere stupidity. Humans can have much better life. They need not go negative. Infact they harm themselves by adopting such negative traits. Why do we indulge in such idiotic behavior, sheer madness. Human beings without humanity are worse than dustbins. Humanity alone is the key. For happiness, growth, abundance everything. Let humanity grow, as we are one family.