
Saturday 6 October 2012

The ideal human being

What are the qualities of an ideal human being. What should be the mission of every human being to evolve and grow.

The ideal human being should have – 

Absolute consciousness - must be spiritually evolved (not necessarily religious) to have absolute consciousness to be able to feel the higher purpose of existence.

Total control - must have have total control over self. One need not have control over circumstances but it is important to have self control for efficient and effective existence.

Rational thinking - must have wise, sensible and rational thinking because that is the most necessary aspect to steer life on correct path.

Constructive use of emotions - emotions are very powerful and can prove both constructive or destructive. It is necessary to have the ability to understand dynamics of emotions and use them constructively for meaningful existence.

Action (Karma) - must act in interdependent mutually progressive growth oriented self actualizing way towards truth order and love.